Meet Lily Ann, Lily for short!
I am very happy that I was able to name my puppy because I wanted to use the name “Ann,”. My Aunt Terry Ann is a very special person in my life. When i was on the list for a service dog it was not an option to pick my own name because service dogs are trained for a few years before they are partnered with their person so they obviously have a name. When i decided to take myself off the list for a service dog (I had bad luck with the process and it took really long) it did not occur to me that i may have the opportunity to name the puppy, but the breeder family emailed me and asked what name i wanted to use. That night as I laid in bed thinking about the tiny puppy who would be with me in a few months it just came to me: Lily Ann! It was perfect! I wonder if my Aunt Terry put that name into my head - because a lily is my grandma’s favorite flower, too! I took myself off the service dog because I realized that I needed a dog more for anxiety than physical help and Lily has done just that!